Всю информацию я взяла с сайта Meerkat Project, ссылку на который так любезно дала мне Белла. Я подумала, что будет интерессно узнать много нового о семьях Поместья. Пок всё на английском, но потом я постараюсь всё перевести.
Current groups
Name - Dom. female - Dom. male - No.
Aztecs (AZ) - Monkulus W - Zaphod V - 17
Baobab (BB)* - Hawkeye W - Al Capone wil - 27
Drie Doring (D) - Mist D - Thor D - 19
Elveera (E) - ChibukuSc. E - Teabag Y - 19
Frisky (F) - Bootle F - Gazebo D - 17
Geckos (GC)* - Suzie CD - VGCM002 wild - 23
Hoppla (HP)* - unk wild - J. A. Prufrock - 11
JaXX (JX)* - Diana L - none - 14
Kung Fu (KU) - Kleintjie GG - Ningaloo W - 21
Lazuli (L) - Young L - Wollow W - 23
Moomins (MM)* - Hemulen MM - Leonardo wild - 20
Nequoia (NE)* - VNEF001 - VNEM002 - 15
Rascals (RR)* - Blondie RR - unk wild - 14
Sequoia (SQ)* - Benzedrine CD - Bruce CB - 7
Toyota (TY)* - Ms. Lilly TP W - Gregan wild - 9
Van Helsing (VH)* - Flo W - Titan wild - 18
Whiskers (W) - Ella W - Thundercat L - 15
Wild: Abba - ? - ? - ?
Chuckle Bros - n/a - n/a - 5
Про вышеперечисленные семьи.
Aztecs (AZ) - Ацтеки
Семейство Ацтеков было образовано в марте 2007 пятнадцатью сильными сурикатами из Вискеров, но все взрослые самцы вернулись к Вискерам в течение месяца. До сентября 2007, Ацтеки состояли из трёх взрослых самок, возглавляемых старшей, Monkulus (Мейбеллин), и четырёх щенков. Лишь самый маленький представитель семейства был самцом. В сентябре 2007, к ним пришёл бродяга из Young Ones, Homestar Runner, но он был изгнан группой Вискеров возглавляемых Зейфодом.
Затем группа пережила значительные перемены, связанные с перемещением и бродяжничеством самцов; три изгнанные самки образовали семью Van Helsing, а два бродячих самца – дикую группу. Не смотря на всё это, Мейбеллин и Зейфод продолжали удерживать доминантную позицию. До сих пор только Мейбеллин смогла удачно вырастить помёт. Ацтеков часто наблюдали возле Rus en Vrede farmhouse, но недавно они продвинулись на север вдоль русла реки, по направлению к Gannavlakte farmhouse.
The Aztecs are available as a Friends group (не смогла найти подходящий перевод), вместе со Старски и Хоукс которые тоже являются осколками от семейства Вискеров. Их могут показать в сериале по телевизору.
Baobab (BB) - Баобаб
Баобаб – новая группа, образованная в декабре 2007 четырьмя изгнанными из Вискеров самками и тремя бродячими самцами. Вначале самки боролись за власть и их позиции постоянно менялись, но видимо Hawkeye оказалась более устойчивой доминантной самкой, чем её сестра Cruise. Al Pacino провозгласил себя доминантным самцом, но недавно он был свергнут Al Capone – власть этого самца пока ещё не совсем закрепилась. Баобаб растут быстро, это связано с тем фактом, что оба взрослых самца могут производить потомство. The recently born mixed litter, of four young subordinate females, was abandoned though. (не смогла перевести)
В настоящее время территория Баобаб находится в округе Больших Дюн, к северу от Ацтеков и Ван Хельсинг, и к югу от Муминс. Бродячие самцы в группе всё ещё часто уходят и приходят, в связи с чем семейство ещё не показывали в сериале.
The Baobab are now available as a Friends group.
Chuckle Bros (CB)
The Chuckle Bros are not a true meerkat group, but rather a term used for rovers that are no longer attached to any of the observed groups, or whose original group is Last Seen, but who are still observed on a regular basis.
There is currently only one meerkat with a VCB ID code, Bruce (VCBM001). He appeared in the population in May 2008 as a habituated, but not ID-chipped rover. It is probable that he was a member of one of the short-lived groups of 2007 who emigrated before he could be chipped.
Other Chuckle Bros include Homestar Runner and Philippe (both ex-Young Ones, LSEEN), Rhogan Josh (ex Whiskers, ex Lazuli, ex PK), Ash, Gijima and Mr. Scruff (dispersed ex-Elveera rovers who were once seen in an encounter with Commandos), or Monsoon Moon, an ex-JaXX male.
Drie Doring (D)
Drie Doring was one of the first wild groups the KMP habituated at the start of the project in 1993. From July 1995 until December 2005 they had one dominant female named Mabili (‘villain’ in Sotho). Born in November 1993, Mabili had 22 surviving litters and 79 surviving pups in her ten year reign. She was unable to continue breeding at this prodigious rate and over the latter years group size dwindled to the small group of meerkats headed by Mabili’s daughter Makonkie who took dominance from her mother in 2006. After the disappearing of the long-term dominant male Osprey, natal males acted as dominants. Makonkie was predated in Fall 2008, and her daughter Mist now leads the Drie Doring. The group has a majority of young members, after most subordinate adults dispersed or were evicted.
‘Drie Doring’ is the Afrikaans name for the ‘Three Thorns’ shrub (Rhigozum trichotomum) which covers a big part of our reserve and is often used as a sentry post by meerkats. The Drie Doring group's range is South of Frisky's, on the Heights farm.
The Drie Doring are available as a Friends group and they can also be visited by Earthwatch or film crews.
Elveera (E)
Elveera was founded by individuals of the old semi-habituated Phantoms group in 1996, but later were fortified by Drie Doring and a Vivian male.
The group was initially headed by the dominant female Tenuvial and Silks, the first male born in Vivian group. For years after, the family was led by Eleusine, who had been one of the first Elveeras, until she was taken by a Cape cobra in 2005. Soon after, the dominant male (and Eleusine's nephew) Dante was lost. Her daughter Jo Jo Hello followed her as dominant female, and Habusu, a young Young Ones male took Dante's place, until he was recently displaced by his brother Teabag. Habusu and several subordinate females dispersed.
Elveera moved South, now foraging South of the main road on the Heights farm. Since then they became infected by disease, and the group is dwindling. Jo Jo Hello and several subordinate animals succumbed to the disease, and the group is now led by Chibuku Scud.
The Elveera are available as a Friends group.
Frisky (F)
Frisky formed in 1999 when females from Young Ones met with wild males. After initial dominance changes, Jubulani ("celebration" in Sotho) was the highly prolific dominant female of the group for many years; after the wild dominant male at her side died she joined with Young Ones males. When Jubulani died her daughter Frascati established dominance for two years. Her daughter Bootle became dominant after her, a new wild male immigrated and was briefly dominant though he died of disease. Since then a Drie Doring male, Gazebo, has immigrated and taken dominance. All subordinate adult females recently dispersed with a group of Drie Doring males.
The Frisky range is South of the main road, on the Heights farm, neighbouring Elveera and Drie Doring.
The Frisky are available as a Friends group and can occasionally be visited by Earthwatchers or film crews.
Geckos (GC) - Геккос
Геккос - новая группа, образованная в декабре 2007, тремя изгнанными из Коммандос самками и тремя бродячими самцами. В течении года изучалась только история происхождениия и положение каждого суриката в группе, но они не приручались. Недавно их начали приручать из-за необходимости изучить их поближе.
Группу возглавляет Suzie Two-Tone MacFloozie, самая молодая из всех самок. Другие сурикаты в семье пока не названы. Группа проживает на востоке Поместья. она не может посещаться съёмочными группами, так как ещё не до конца приручена и не подпускает близко к себе.
The Geckos are not available as a Friends group
Hoppla (HP)
The Hoppla are a very recent addition to the KMP's meerkat group list - the group was formed in August 2008 by five Lazuli males, led by J. Alfred Prufrock, and five semi-habituated females - possibly evicted Nutters individuals who were not yet ID'ed. All females disappeared, probably due to illnesses, and two wild females have recently immigrated. Of the males, only J. Alfred Prufrock and Bernard remain, but the group now raises their first litter.
Hoppla! means as much as Ooops!, in German. They live North of the riverbed near the Lazuli territory. The two males were recently seen roving, and it is not clear if habituation of the group continues.
The Hoppla are not available as a Friends group.
A new group first seen in May 2008, formed by two Lazuli females who dispersed in December 2007, and a Hoax male who dispersed in October 2007. With them were two juveniles. The Hoax male was then displaced by two wild males. The group is now led by Diana, and they have been growing steadily, until Vince the dominant male and several other members disappeared one by one, probably due to predation.
The group lives at the western border of the KMP reserve, on the neighbouring farm - next to Lazuli. They are currently being re-habituated, and therefore not accessible to Earthwatchers or film crews.
The JaXX are not yet available as a Friends group, since their history is only short.
Kung Fu (KU)
Kung Fu were formed in October 2007, as a motley group consisting of two Commandos females, and two Whiskers males, two wild males, and one Frisky male. They are currently led by Kleintjie (of Gattaca origin, recently Commandos) and Ningaloo (of Whiskers origin). All adults but the dominant couple emigrated again. The group is growing consistently though, and Kleintjie even gave birth to a litter of seven, recently. They are one of the most successful groups, currently.
The Kung Fu live near the riverbed, in the center of the reserve. Their territory currently borders Whiskers'. They are fully habituated and can be visited by Earthwatchers and Film crews.
The Kung Fu are not available as a Friends group, since their history is still short.
Lazuli (L)
‘Lazuli’ was the second of the famous Avatar sisters (the other being Ziziphus, Igraine and Morgause), who founded the Lazuli group together with Belgarion, a wild male of unknown origin, in 1995. However, soon after Ziziphus took the role of the Lazuli dominant female. Her daughter Grumpy is dominant in Moomins today, her granddaughter Aretha headed Lazuli, and her grandson Osprey led Drie Doring until his recent death.
Lazuli has been without a non-natal dominant male for more than two years, after Basil and later Cazanna died of a disease. Lazuli were for almost three years led by brother and sister, J. Alfred Prufrock and Aretha, but the Lazuli females were well frequented by roving visitors... Aretha died after a predator attack, and Young, the oldest and strongest female, took over dominance. The Lazuli males were recently replaced by a group of Whiskers males. Wollow seized male dominance. The group is growing steadily due to Young's prolific births, and has been free of disease for more than a year now.
The Lazuli live in the center of the reserve, North of the Kuruman riverbed in the Elveera flats. They can be visited by Earthwatchers and film crews.
They are available as a Friends group.
Moomins (MM)
The Moomins group was started by Lazuli females and Drie Doring males in 2001, and have slowly but steadily increased in numbers since then - mostly offspring of Grumpy and Burgan. They have become an exceptionally successful, well habituated group. One of the oldest Moomins' males, Moomintroll, was later seen as the dominant of a wild group, together with his brother Snufkin. Burgan was predated in 2007. Another famous Moomin is Fluffernutter, who was born without claws. Despite this tragic birth defect, he made it over his second winter, even though he had got less weight than his littermates. However, he and most younger Moomins split from the main group, and left the monitored area. The remaining six Moomins females were joined by four wild males afterwards. Leonardo became the dominant male on Grumpy's side. The group never grew quickly, and Grumpy didn't reproducing successfully for over two years; her daughters kept the Moomins' numbers growing though. However, after her first successful birth in more than two years, Grumpy's daughter Hemulen overthrew her mother, and soon after both Grumpy and a subordinate male succumbed to disease. The group seems disease-free now, however.
Moomins were named after a Finnish/Swedish children book, and most of the early family got their names from the books' characters - check out this Moomins guide, and you'll recognize most of the names (well, there is no meerkat called The Dweller Under the Sink, so far). Only in 2005, pup naming moved to famous painters...
Moomins are a relaxed group to visit, who love to playfight. They moved South in 2007, foraging in the region around Big Dune, but recently returned to their previous lands in the rolling dunes West of the Moomins Triangle. They are not available to Earthwatchers and film crews while habituation of the wild males is ongoing.
The Moomins are available as a Friends group.
Nequoia (NE)
The Nequoia are the youngest group when it comes to the time observation started: the presumably wild group was first observed by two Friends during an Earthwatch trip in April 2009, but could only be re-tracked in May/June. They were found near Gattaca Dam, i.e. between the territories of Geckos, Aztecs, Sequoia and Kung Fu. For some time they were believed to be a lost splinter of Sequoia, yet their name means they are "Not Sequoia". It is not yet clear if any known meerkats are amongst the new 15-strong group, but habituation is progressing well.
The Nequoia are not yet available as a Friends group.
[Rascals (RR)
In 1998 Vivian females and wild males combined to start a new group that rapidly grew. The original dominant female Splash and dominant male Kine were killed by predators, but the group has very successfully reestablished after being reduced to 7 meerkats all under 18 months with the then 11 months old dominant female Yeca. She and the dominant male Spofl were also predated, and the group is now headed by Blondie. All Rascals males dispersed after the immigration of Frisky, and a succession of wild males. The group barely grew over a long time, but a recent litter of six pups boosted their numbers.
Rascals live South of the main road on farmland, currently bordering no habituated, but at least one wild group.
The group is currently being re-habituated, and therefore not accessible to Earthwatchers or film crews.
The Rascals are not yet available as a Friends group.
Sequoia (SQ)
The Sequoia were formed by two evicted females: Benzedrine, the No. 2 in Kung Fu, and Finn, who had just been ousted from the dominant position of her Toyota group. The females teamed up with several rovers, until they seemed to settle with the two subordinate Toyota males. They however returned to their own group shortly after, and the females were considered lost; the group's observation was suspended. However, they resurfaced again in December 2008, in the company of four males: Bruce (a long-term rover of unidentified background) is the dominant male, and the other males are of different origins (Toyota, Hoax/Jaxx, wild). They have been growing to 15 members, during their absence. The group experienced a permanent group split in early 2009; the splinter led by Finn and Sid Vicious is being tracked, in the hope of keeping them as a habituated group.
They are not yet available as a Friends group, since their history is still very short.
Toyota (TY) - Тойота
Тойота были образованы в январе 2008 тремя изгнанными из Вискеров самками и тремя бродячими самцами. Сначала семейство возглавлялось Финн, которая была свергнута Джу Дроп, и потом появилась в семействе Sequoia. После ичезновения Джу Дроп группу возглавили Miss Lilly the Pink и Греган.
Группа ещё не достаточно хорошо приручена, поэтому ещё не может посещатся съёмочными группами и показываться в сериале. Приручание проходит успешно.
The Toyota are not yet available as a Friends group, since their history is only short.
Van Helsing (VH)
The Van Helsing group was formed in February 2008 by three evicted Whiskers females, and two wild males. One or more of the females had given birth while being evicted; the four pups are most probably Bananas'. Flo and Titan seem to have settled in the dominant positions, and the group has been growing steadily.
Re-habituation of the group was resumed. They cannot be visited by Earthwatchers or film crews yet.
The group is not yet available as a Friends group.
Whiskers (W)
Whiskers came into existence in 1998, with four Young Ones females and two Lazuli rovers - reinforced with a wild meerkat who had been brought to us (instead of the potjie) from Van Zylsrus. Change came with a rover party of Vivian origin in 2001 who immigrated into Whiskers, with the brothers Yossarian and Zaphod taking turns in male dominance. In early 2002, Flower took over female dominance and has ruled Whiskers since then. She succumbed to a snake bite in January 2008, and her daughter Rocket Dog rose to power. After her death Ella established dominance; she was soon joined by Thundercat, a single Lazuli rover. The group recently recovered after a low in numbers.
Whiskers are our world-famous movie stars, with "their" Meerkat Manor series in the fourth season in 2008, and a full-length movie “Meerkat Manor: The Story Begins" is available on DVD.
Whiskers' territory is rather big, though the territory shifted in 2007, taking over parts of Young Ones’ land. Their main neighbours are Kung Fu and Lazuli.
The Whiskers are available as a Friends group. They can be visited by Earthwatchers and film crews.
Wild group: Abba
Abba is the name given in 2003 to a wild group that has been encountered occasionally between the territories of Young Ones, Frisky and Rascals, but was never habituated. Several rovers of the Young Ones have immigrated into Abba over time. However, Abba is not a monitored or “composition group”. As a wild group, they don’t let researchers approach closer than 100-300 meters.
Abba was recently observed, most probably, in an encounter with the Toyota and Elveera groups.
Завтра напишу про группы, которые уже не существуют.
Отредактировано Джайрибмин (2009-07-24 21:32:53)
- Подпись автора
Джейра - /Моя любимая мамусечка/
Делли - /Моя старшая сестрёнка. Ну и пусть, что строгая/
Nelli - /Ещё одна старшая сестрёнка. люблю с ней играть/
Karmen - /Новая подружка, а может и крёсная/
Boire - /Суриката из Гатика. Я её случайно убила/